Join us for our study of the book of James, a book that tells Christians how to live out their faith. Specifically, it talks about wisdom (particularly in the midst of trials), speech, faith that leads to action, prayer, and issues related to social status and money, among other things.
The schedule for the sermon series appears below. After the sermon is preached, click on the title to listen to or download the sermon audio file. You can also listen to sermons on your favorite podcasting app. Just search for “West Bridgewater Community Church” and subscribe.
For a short video introduction to the book of James, check out this video made by The Bible Project.
June 11, 2023: “That You May Be Perfect and Complete” (James 1:1–11)
June 25, 2023: “The Test” (James 1:12–18)
July 2, 2023: “Be Doers of the Word” (James 1:19–27)
July 9, 2023: “Show No Partiality” (James 2:1–13)
July 16, 2023: “I Will Show You My Faith” (James 2:14–26)
July 23, 2023: “The Tongue” (James 3:1–12)
July 30, 2023: “Wisdom from Above” (James 3:13–18)
August 6, 2023: “You Fight and Quarrel” (James 4:1–12)
August 13, 2023: “If the Lord Wills” (James 4:13–17)
August 20, 2023: “Your Riches Have Rotted” (James 5:1–6)
August 27, 2023: “Be Patient” (James 5:7–12)
September 3, 2023: “Anyone among You” (James 5:13–20)