Many people have some idea or opinion of who Jesus is. To them, Jesus is a teacher, a guru, a revolutionary, a prophet, a philosopher, or someone who criticized religion and empire. But who is the real Jesus? This may be the most important question that we can ask.
Join us for this important sermon series, which begins on December 18, 2022. Our worship service is at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
To listen to a sermon in this series, click on the title of the sermon next to the date. You can also listen to sermons on your favorite podcasting app. Just search for “West Bridgewater Community Church” and subscribe. To read the sermon that the pastor prepared, click on the title next to “Manuscript.”
Most recent sermon
June 4, 2023: “Jesus and Politics”
Manuscript: Jesus and Politics 6.4.23
December 18, 2022: “How Can We Know Jesus”
Manuscript: How Can We Know Jesus 12.18.22
December 24, 2022: “Jesus’ Birth Was Celebrated”
Manuscript: Jesus’ Birth Was Celebrated 12.24.22
December 25, 2022: “Jesus Was Born of a Virgin”
Manuscript: Jesus Was Born of a Virgin 12.25.22
January 8, 2023: “Jesus Was a Man”
Manuscript: Jesus Was a Man 1.8.23
January 15, 2023: “Jesus Was Tempted but Didn’t Sin”
Manuscript: Jesus Was Tempted but Didn’t Sin 1.15.23
January 22, 2023: “Jesus Was a Preacher”
Manuscript: Jesus Was a Preacher 1.22.23
January 29, 2023: “Jesus Exposed Sin”
Manuscript: Jesus Exposed Sin 1.29.23
February 5, 2023: “Jesus Performed Miracles”
Manuscript: Jesus Performed Miracles 2.5.23
February 12, 2023: “Jesus Was a Divisive Figure”
Manuscript: Jesus Was a Divisive Figure 2.12.23
February 19, 2023: “Jesus Was Gracious and Compassionate”
Manuscript: Jesus Was Gracious and Compassionate 2.19.23
March 5, 2023: “Jesus Demanded Total Commitment”
Manuscript: Jesus Demanded Total Commitment 3.5.23
March 12, 2023: “Jesus Taught about the Future”
Manuscript: Jesus Taught about the Future 3.12.23
March 19, 2023: “Jesus Taught about Hell”
Manuscript: Jesus Taught about Hell 3.19.23
April 2: “Jesus Is God”
Manuscript: Jesus Is God 4.2.23
April 7: “Jesus Died”
April 9: “Jesus Rose from the Grave”
Manuscript: Jesus Rose from the Grave 4.9.23
April 16, 2023: “Jesus Ascended to Heaven”
Manuscript: Jesus Ascended to Heaven 4.16.23
April 23, 2023: “Jesus Is Our High Priest”
Manuscript: Jesus Is Our High Priest 4.23.23
April 30, 2023: “Jesus Poured out the Spirit”
Manuscript: Jesus Poured out the Spirit 4.30.23
May 7, 2023: “Jesus Will Come Again”
Manuscript: Jesus Will Come Again 5.7.23
May 14, 2023: “Jesus Believed the Old Testament Is the Word of God”
Manuscript: Jesus Believed the Old Testament is the Word of God 5.14.23
May 21, 2023: “Jesus and Money”
Manuscript: Jesus and Money 5.21.23
May 28, 2023: “Jesus and Marriage”
Manuscript: Jesus and Marriage 5.28.23
June 4, 2023: “Jesus and Politics”
Manuscript: Jesus and Politics 6.4.23