Words matter. They can be used for good or ill. How then can we use our words wisely? The book of Proverbs says a great deal about words used wisely and foolishly. Brian Watson preached this message on those passages on September 13, 2020.
Whoever Is Simple, Let Him Turn in Here (Proverbs 9)
Both wisdom and folly call to us. How do we know which is which? To whom are we listening and responding to? Learn how to discern between wisdom and folly by fearing the Lord. Brian Watson preached this message on July 5, 2020.
The Lord by Wisdom Founded the Earth (Proverbs 3)
God created the universe by his wisdom. Because God is all-wise and all-knowing, and because he created life to function a certain way, the wise person listens to God’s word, leans on God’s understanding, and does life on God’s terms. Pastor Brian Watson preached this sermon on Proverbs 3 on May 24, 2020.