The following are stand-alone sermons, ones that don’t belong to a larger sermon series. They’re still important messages, so they’re available here.
To listen to the sermon, click on the title next to the date. To read the manuscript that Pastor Brian prepared for the sermon, click on the title next to “manuscript.”
February 15, 2026: “Sermon for a Memorial Service”
Preacher: Brian Watson
January 12, 2025: “A Warning against False Assurance”
Preacher: Steve Semas
January 5, 2025: “Apostates vs. True Disciples”
Preacher: Colby Medeiros
December 29, 2024: “Foundations”
Preacher: Troy Bryce
November 24, 2024: “The Risen Christian”
Preacher: Steve Semas
November 17, 2024: “Adoring the Second Coming”
Preacher: Colby Medeiros
November 10, 2024: “You Shall Love the Lord Your God”
Preacher: Troy Bryce
January 1, 2023: “Membership Matters”
Manuscript: Membership Matters 1.1.23
October 17, 2021: “Worship”
January 17, 2021: “Our Glorious Future” (2 Cor. 5:1-10)
Preacher: Steve Semas
May 3, 2020: “Prepare to Meet Your God” (Amos)
Manuscript: Prepare to Meet Your God 5.3.20
April 26, 2020: “The Message of Job”
Manuscript: The Message of Job 4.26.20
April 19, 2020: “This Illness Does Not Lead to Death” (John 11)
Manuscript: This Illness Does Not Lead to Death 4.19.20
December 23, 2018: She Gave Birth to a Male Child (Revelation 12)
Manuscript: She Gave Birth to a Male Child 12.23.18
December 16, 2018 (manuscript): The People That Walked in Darkness 12.16.18 (Isa. 9:1-7)
November 25, 2018: In Full Accord and of One Mind (Philippians 2:1-11)
April 15, 2018: Rooted in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)
Manuscript: Rooted in Christ 4.15.18
April 8, 2018: The Commandment of God and the Tradition of Men (Mark 7:1-23)
Manuscript: The Commandment of God and the Tradition of Men 4.8.18
September 10, 2017: “The Kindness and Love of God” (Titus 3:1-8)
Preacher: Ron Bridge
August 27, 2017: “The Image of God”
Manuscript: The Image of God 8.27.17
January 29, 2017: “Seeking the Kingdom” (Matthew 6:25-34)
Preacher: Ron Bridge
March 27, 2016 (Easter): “Why Are You Troubled?” (Luke 24)
Manuscript: Why Are You Troubled 3.27.16
August 9, 2015: “Defending Life: An Argument against Abortion”
Manuscript: Defending Life 8.9.15
June 7, 2015: “Membership Matters”
Manuscript: Membership Matters 6.7.15