October 15, 2023

Here is the worship guide for Sunday, October 15, 2023.

PDF version of the worship guide to download or print.

The livestream will begin at 10:30 a.m. on our Facebook page or YouTube page.

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Description automatically generatedWelcome and Announcements

Opening Prayer

Hymn: “Never Cease to Praise”
Words and music: Jeff Bourque.

May we run this race, may we keep the faith,
may our eyes be fixed on Jesus,
that we’ll not lose heart in our struggle with sin,
and through suffering know endurance.

May we arm ourselves with the mind of Christ
to rejoice in trials and be not surprised.
May our hearts be so consumed by You
that we never cease to praise.

May our company be the saints You’ve called,
may we all stand firm in one spirit,
that the gospel’s truth may resound on earth,
that all living things may hear it.

May the fruits of faith mark the path we trod
through the life of Christ to the glory of God.
May our hearts be so consumed by You
that we never cease to praise.

May the words we share be Your grace and peace.
May our tongues speak Your proclamations
that the many parts of the body of Christ
be affirmed in their right relation.

As we long and wait for the groom to come,
may we learn to love, and spur each other on.
May our hearts be so consumed by You
that we never cease to praise.

When that day arrives, and our race is won,
when our griefs give way to deliverance,
we will fully know, as we’re fully known,
all our groans will end as new songs begin.

And a multitude from every tribe and tongue,
wearing robes of white, will stand before Your throne,
And our hearts will be so consumed by You
that we’ll never cease to praise!

May our hearts be so consumed by You
that we never cease to praise.

Song: “Man of Sorrows”
Words and Music: Matt Crocker and Brooke Ligertwood

Man of sorrows, Lamb of God, by His own betrayed.
The sin of man and wrath of God has been on Jesus laid.

Silent as He stood accused, beaten, mocked, and scorned.
Bowing to the Father’s will, He took a crown of thorns.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation, where Your love poured out over me.
Now my soul cries out, “Hallelujah, praise and honor unto Thee.”

Sent of heaven, God’s own Son to purchase and redeem,
and reconcile the very ones who nailed Him to that tree.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation, where Your love poured out over me.
Now my soul cries out, “Hallelujah, praise and honor unto Thee.”

Now, my debt is paid, it is paid in full
by the precious blood that my Jesus spilled.

Now, the curse of sin has no hold on me.
Whom the Son sets free, oh is free indeed.

Now, my debt is paid, it is paid in full
by the precious blood that my Jesus spilled.

Now, the curse of sin has no hold on me.
Whom the Son sets free, oh is free indeed.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation, where Your love poured out over me.
Now my soul cries out, “Hallelujah, praise and honor unto Thee.”

See the stone is rolled away, behold the empty tomb.
Hallelujah, God be praised, He’s risen from the grave.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation, where Your love poured out over me.
Now my soul cries out, “Hallelujah, praise and honor unto Thee,
praise and honor unto Thee.”

Hymn: “Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery”
Words and music by Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, and Michael Bleecker

Come behold the wondrous mystery, in the dawning of the King;
He the theme of heaven’s praises, robed in frail humanity.

In our longing, in our darkness, now the light of life has come;
look to Christ, who condescended, took on flesh to ransom us.

Come behold the wondrous mystery, He the perfect Son of Man;
in His living, in His suffering never trace nor stain of sin.

See the true and better Adam, come to save the hell-bound man;
Christ, the great and sure fulfillment of the law; in Him we stand.

Come behold the wondrous mystery, Christ the Lord upon the tree,
in the stead of ruined sinners, hangs the Lamb in victory.

See the price of our redemption, see the Father’s plan unfold;
bringing many sons to glory, grace unmeasured, love untold.

Come behold the wondrous mystery, slain by death the God of life;
but no grave could e’er restrain Him, praise the Lord, He is alive!

What a foretaste of deliverance, how unwavering our hope;
Christ in power resurrected, as we will be when he comes.

Time of Prayer

Sermon: “He Humbled Himself”
Philippians 2:1–11 (ESV)
1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Hymn: “Thou Who Wast Rich”
Words: Frank Houghton.
Music: French Carol “Quelle Est Cette Odeur Agreable.”

Thou who wast rich beyond all splendor, a
all for love’s sake becamest poor;
thrones for a manger didst surrender,
sapphire-paved courts for stable floor.
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendor,
All for love’s sake becamest poor.

Thou who art God beyond all praising,
all for love’s sake becamest man;
stooping so low, but sinners raising
heavenward by Thine eternal plan.
Thou who art God beyond all praising,
All for love’s sake becamest man.

Thou who art love beyond all telling,
Savior and King, we worship thee.
Emmanuel, within us dwelling,
make us what Thou wouldst have us be.
Thou who art love beyond all telling,
Savior and King, we worship Thee.

Colossians 4:18b (ESV)
Grace be with you.